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Brain Awareness Council

Brain Awareness Council

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Wake Forest University

Wake Forest University Graduate School » Brain Awareness Council

Brain Awareness Council

Illuminating minds, one brain at a time

BAC logo 2015  The Brain Awareness Council (BAC) is a graduate student run organization that hosts a variety of educational outreach events in order to achieve our mission which is to encourage neuroscience education in the surrounding community and to expand the community’s overall familiarity with basic science research while cultivating a desire for higher learning in students of all ages.

The BAC is made up of over 70 Wake Forest University graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and faculty members. Our members regularly volunteer their time to educate the community about neuroscience and neuroscience research through events including K-12 school visits and Neuroscience and a Movie. Information about these and other outreach activities can be found on the menu to the right.

The BAC is run by a Steering Committee made up of graduate students from science-related disciplines. Our work is a collaborative effort with many local and national organizations and businesses. Click here to find out more about sponsorship, donations & collaborations with the BAC.

Visit the “News & Events” page for updates on BAC events!


Mission Statement

The Brain Awareness Council (BAC) is a graduate student-run organization that hosts a variety of educational outreach events in order to achieve our mission which is to encourage neuroscience education in the surrounding community and to expand the community’s overall familiarity with basic science research while cultivating a desire for higher learning in students of all ages.